Status of EPOS implementation
for the month of July / 2024 from FEAST
Number of Districts 12
Number of Cards 337062
Number of Members 1195798
  (A)    Number of Shops with Cards 1841
  (B)    Number of ePos Shops (Device Mapped) 1840
  (A-B) Number of Non-ePos Shops (Device Not Mapped) 1
Number of ePos Shops without Dealer Mapping 0
Last month Shops not available this month 0
New Shops added this month 4
Difference of Cards between previous and current month 1318
ePos Shops with Zero allocation 0
UID Not Mapped Members 41259
Name not Available Memebrs 0
Less than 10 Cards FPS * 13
Not Seeded RC's* 8381

Commodity Name Zero Allocation Shops Total Allocation
For all FPS in KG
Wheat 0 0.000
Rice 1841 0.000
Sugar 0 0.000
PMGKAY-Rice 1772 0.000
F Rice 0 6949500.000